Silver Crown Metal Coatings is a pioneering enterprise in the supply of top-notch electroplating products. It is an amalgamation of focused engineering, chemical and metallurgical expertise, built consistently over a long tenure service. With more than 30 years of technological and process excellence, we cater to the total processing needs of discerned customers.
Infrastructural Advantage:
,b>Silver Crown Metal Coatings is an engineering powerhouse fortified with cutting-edge technology equipment. We strongly believe that a robust industrial infrastructure is the foundation of a modern engineering business.
Sustainability Measures to reduce pollution levels comprise pollution control systems- Effluent treatment plant (ETP),
- Zero discharge R.O plant,
- Air evaporators, and
- Filter presses.
Quality Excellence
Our certified Quality Programs have enabled us to bag numerous accolades, for strict adherence to prescribed metal finishing parameters. Our production mechanism is fortified with effective diagnostic control at various process intervals for measuring process consistency.
We leave no stone unturned to ensure supreme quality. That is why, we have brought in well-established tools including precise X-Ray Fluorescence (XRF thickness detector) and Salt Spray chambers, through which we establish control mechanisms to aid timely response.
Process Excellence
We can protect and enhance your product surface with the following technical and controlled plating processes
- Copper
- Brass
- Tin
- Silver
- Cadmium
- Zinc
- Nickel
- Electro less Nickel
- Hard Chrome
- Gold
- Zinc – Nickel alloy
- Zinc - Cobalt